AI: More than Human

AI: More than Human tells the rapidly developing story of AI, from its extraordinary ancient roots in Japanese Shintoism and Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage’s early experiments in computing to AI’s major developmental leaps from the 1940s to the present day to show how an age-old dream of creating intelligence has already become today’s reality.   […]


The most exciting scientific nerve tickling! Come and experience an adrenaline-pumping adventure the likes of which has never been seen before. True rush! What is adrenaline? Is it something to be afraid of?   Our immersive “Adrenaline!” will take you into the exciting world of thrills and spills – educational yet thrilling activities and challenges […]

A Fantastic Failure

The exhibition “A Fantastic Failure” looks at the failures and successes of the N-Gage from the perspective of game developers and gamers as well as the engineers who worked on the unit. Rare, never before seen material on the development of the game console and its games, marketing and reception are on display. You also […]

Dream Tomorrow Today

In Dream Tomorrow Today, visitors work to solve future challenges using play and STEM skills – the exhibition is entirely future-focused and gamified. Interactive, hands-on activities show visitors how to improve their Planet Power scores – ensuring their health, happiness, nature, and equality scores stay high. Personalized STEM identities are awarded to visitors after their […]

Hall of Heroes

Ever wonder how your favorite super-powered characters were created? Hall of Heroesprovides an immersive experience for visitors to understand the world of heroes, and crime-fighters. Their journey takes them through several themed environments with surprises around every corner. Visitors will explore the histories of heroes and the circumstances that created them while discovering the ideals that […]


The interactive exhibition “Raphael the Divine, the beauty of the great renaissance painting “, produced by Medartec Distribution, has been produced in the year of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the artist’s death, and it exhibits the elegance of Raphael’s art through a combination of a traditional representation with modern multimedia technology. The […]


Leonardo Da Vinci 3D is a revolutionary and futuristic exhibition that tells the absolute genius of Leonardo Da Vinci through a multi-sensory language between augmented reality, holograms and immersive paths to unhinge traditional boundaries and take visitors on a journey which follows and traces the footsteps of Leonardo through the modern language of images, sounds, […]


Pinocchio 3D traces the genesis of the work, its suggestions and emotions, and leads the viewer to feel the universal values that have made the story unique in its genre. The main characters are analyzed, what they represent and how they were functional to the development of the themes values of the story. Even the […]

Renaissance 3D – the Genius of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raffaello

Renaissance 3D - Immersive Art Experience

The exhibition “3D Renaissance, the genius of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael” puts the three giants of the Italian Renaissance at the center of attention: Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo da Vinci and Raffaello Sanzio. Modern technology, which goes hand in hand with the traditional exhibition methodology, offers an emotional experience based on the activation of three senses: […]

Life In Space

Life In Space Life In Space Over 80 space exhibits (to include a piece of real moon!) make us travel in outer space without leaving our planet. Several unique simulators will allow us to fly to the moon, feel absence of gravity or put our foot on the silver globe. Life In Space is unique not […]

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