
Accompagnez les irréductibles Gaulois dans une quête inédite, à la recherche du druide Panoramix, capturé par Jules César. Des plaines verdoyantes de la Gaule aux décors arides de l’Hispanie, en passant par les terres brumeuses de la Grande-Bretagne et les pyramides d’Égypte, Astérix et Obélix braveront déserts et tempêtes pour le retrouver. « Astérix, […]
ONCE UPON A TIME – Science For Story Lovers

Science is everywhere. But, can it be found in the fantastic imaginary of fairy tales? In the enchanted forest, in Hansel and Gretel´s chocolate house, in the magic mirror of the Wicked Witch or in a beanstalk that grows endlessly until it touches the nose of a giant? ONCE UPON A TIME is an interactive […]
The Golden Age of Warner Bros. Cartoons

“The Golden Age of Warner Bros. Cartoons” brings together over 150 original artworks, plus dozens of hours of video, to celebrate a legendary Hollywood animation studio, the rambunctious birthplace of characters who have become part of American folklore. As noted by The New York Times: “Life in these United States would be inconceivable without the shared referent […]