The company Adrien M & Claire B creates work that brings together the visual arts and the performing arts. Their shows and installations immerse the body in images, they blend sensitive and handcrafted art with digital devices, developing when possible bespoke computing tools.
Claire Bardainne is a French visual artist with a background in graphic design and scenography, born in 1978 in Grenoble. A graduate from the Estienne School and Paris Arts Déco School, her research focuses on the imaginary realms conveyed by pictures and graphics, especially in their space-constructive capacity.
Adrien Mondot is a French multidisciplinary artist, computer scientist and juggler. Born in 1979 in Grenoble, he is interested in movement, and works at the intersection of juggling art and computer innovation. In 2004, he founds his own artistic company called Adrien M.
Claire Bardainne and Adrien Mondot meet in 2010 at the Centre des Arts in Enghien-les-Bains. In 2011, they join forces, reform the company and name it Adrien M & Claire B.
All work is created as a duo and the company is directed as a pair. Pivotal to their research is their wish to transcend the spatial boundaries of stage and the time limits of performance. Their shows and installations immerse the body in images, they blend sensitive and handcrafted art with digital devices, developing when possible bespoke computing tools. They strive to create living art: mobile, handcrafted, ephemeral, responsive.
« We put digital tools at the service of the living, to make theatre, to create live moments shared by the living. We believe that poetry, beauty and metaphor are powerful keys, and it is with this intention that we use technologies. »
Today, the company counts around 30 collaborators, with several performances, exhibitions and installations touring internationally simultaneously.
2024 En amour immersive installation
2023 Piano piano show / collaboration
2022 Just your shadow show / collaboration
2022 Last minute immersive installation
2021 Faune installation / collaboration
2020 Vanishing Act show / collaboration
2019 Équinoxe show / collaboration
2019 Acqua Alta show+book+VR
2018 The shadow of the vapor site specific artwork
2017 Mirages & miracles exhibition
2016 Snow does not make sense book
2015 The movement of air show
2014 Pixel show / collaboration
2013 Hakanaï show
2011 XYZT exhibition
In France, its headquarters are based in Lyon (Rhône) and its research-creation studio is based in Crest (Drôme) at Villa Aphéa. The company is subsidised and accredited in France by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. It is also supported by the City of Lyon.