Title block

Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend


Narwhal, Glenn Williams, Narwhal Tusk Research
Installation images courtesy of Monte Bean Life Science Museum
Allangua (Narwhal), 2016, Tim Pitsiulak
Map, Smithsonian Institution

What can one of the sea’s most unusual-looking mammals tell us about the future of our oceans? 

Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend offers insights into the relationship between narwhals and our changing global climate through the work of Arctic researchers and experience from members of the Inuit community. This exhibition features a 16-foot fiberglass model of an adult male narwhal suspended from the ceiling. The model is surrounded by banners, graphic panels, objects cases and models that involve audiences in the narwhal story.

Area size

200 to 500 sqm


2023 / 2024

Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Panels and graphics / Reproductions




Technical requirements

High ceiling height

Minimum of 13ft ceiling height
Specialize rigging equipment tours with show
Venue staff needed for install
Installation videos provided

Available package options



Education kit / Media kit / Exhibition tour kit / Catalogue / book


Curatorial excellence / Star object

The exhibition features a 16-foot life-size model of a male narwhal, a full-size touchable narwhal tusk, a tactile bronze model of the large narwhal model for blind and low-vision visitors, a full size narwhal skull model and cast of a Bohaskaia monodontoides (prehistoric narwhal relative). Multi-media includes an authentic Arctic soundscape that includes narwhal sounds and a 5 minute video about the relationship between narwhals and the Inuit community.

Produced by

Museums and Galleries, Science Centres

Exhibition contact info


Related exhibitions


Past and upcoming venues

2021, 3 months, Gastonia, North Carolina
2021, 3 month, Provo, Utah
2022 3 month, Norma, Oklahoma
2022 3 month, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2023 3 month, St. Paul, Minnesota


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Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend

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