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Call for applications: touring exhibitions and project showcase for the Ecsite Conference

Applications are now open for the 2020 pitch sessions

By Ecsite
5 years ago

Producers can now submit applications to present touring exhibitions and showcase their projects at the What’s new in touring exhibitions and Project Showcases sessions during the next Ecsite conference in Ljubljana in June.

Submit your pitch for “What’s new in touring exhibitions”

There are two special session slots on the Friday morning dedicated to touring exhibitions pitches. In each session, 15 speakers will have four minutes each to present their new travelling exhibitions. This call will be open in two rounds; the first is exclusive to Ecsite members and the second will be open to the whole community.

Round 1: members only
31 January to 27 February

Round 2: open to all
12 March to 5 April

A subgroup of the Conference Programme Committee will be reviewing all pitches for exhibition presentations and process all the applications after the deadline of 27 February, excluding those that do not follow the criteria for this session:

1) the exhibition was launched in 2019 or will be launched in 2020

2) the exhibition has never been promoted at an Ecsite session before

There will be a maximum of 15 speakers per session and there are two sessions this year. To submit a pitch, this form can be completed with the following information:

  • Touring exhibition title
  • Start date of the tour
  • If the exhibition was pitched at an Ecsite Conference before, in what year was it presented?
  • Short description of the exhibition(s)
  • Username of the presenter

Please note that this round of pitch applications is only open to Ecsite Members. Members are listed in the Members directory.

Browse all travelling exhibitions sessions in Ecsite Conference’s sessions archive.

Submit your pitch for the “Project Showcase” session

There is a special slot on Saturday morning dedicated to non-profit, collaborative projects. These projects must involve a minimum of three different institutions, at least one of which must be an Ecsite member. Basic information on the project timeline, funding and participating institutions, as well as a summary of the concept should be provided, along with the contact details of the presenter. Results and resources available to share with conference participants are a plus. This session is first-come, first-served and slots can be claimed by contacting the session convenor Cristina Paca with the following information:

  • Title of the project
  • Project partners: There is no need to list all partners, at least three of them, including one Ecsite member should be listed.
  • Who funds the project?
  • Has this project been presented at an Ecsite Conference before?
  • Short description of the project
  • Project website
  • Username of the presenter: the presenter must have an Ecsite account and username in order to present. If the presenter does not have an account on Ecsite’s website, it can be created here

Browse all project showcase sessions in Ecsite Conference’s sessions archive.

About the authors & contributors

Ecsite is the European focal point of science engagement. Ecsite’s vision is to foster creativity and critical thinking in European society, emboldening citizens to engage with science. The Ecsite network brings together 320+ members: science centres, museums, research bodies, festivals, universities, planetariums, foundations, companies, local authorities, etc. Together, they reach more than 40 million citizens per year.


Cultural Dialogue Survey

Your voice matters to imagine the future of touring exhibitions

An inclusive initiative calling all professionals involved in the hosting, touring, production and promotion of exhibitions worldwide.

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