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Call for applications: touring exhibitions and project showcase for the Ecsite Conference (2-4 June)

Applications are now open on first-come, first-served basis


from Heilbronn, Germany

reading time 2 minutes

Producers can now submit applications to present touring exhibitions and showcase their projects at the ‘What’s new in touring exhibitions’ and ‘Project Showcase’ sessions during the Ecsite Conference, taking place between 2-4 June.
Submit your pitch for “What’s new in touring exhibitions”

There are two special session slots on the Friday dedicated to travelling exhibitions pitches. In each session, 15 speakers all have four minutes each to present their new travelling exhibition(s).

And what do we mean by new travelling exhibitions? 1) Your exhibition was launched in 2021 or will be launched in the near future, and 2) it has never been promoted at an Ecsite session before, exception made of exhibition which tours were delayed by the pandemic, even if presented at 2021 Ecsite Online Conference.

If you would like to submit a pitch, all you need to do is complete this form with the following information:

  • Title of the travelling exhibition
  • When did the exhibition start touring, or when will it start touring?
  • Have you presented it at an Ecsite Conference before?
  • Small description of the exhibition(s)
  • Username of the presenter

Additionally this year the travelling exhibition sessions will be streamed online, so prepare also a short presentation to showcase your activity for the remote audience.

Browse all travelling exhibitions sessions in Ecsite Conference’s sessions archive.

Submit your pitch for the “Project Showcase” session

There is a special slot on Thursday afternoon dedicated to non-profit collaborative projects. These are non-profit collaborative projects involving a minimum of three different institutions. For this session, projects in which Ecsite network members are involved will be given priority. Basic information on the project timeline, funder and participating institutions, as well as a summary of the concept should be provided, along with the contact details of the presenter. Results and resources available to share with conference participants are a plus.

This session is first-come, first-served and slots can be claimed by completing this form with the following information:

  • Project partners
  • Have you presented it at an Ecsite Conference before?
  • Small description of the project
  • Project website
  • Username of the presenter

Additionally this year the project showcase will be streamed online, so prepare also a short presentation to showcase your activity for the remote audience.

Browse all project showcase sessions in Ecsite Conference’s sessions archive.

Submit your hands-on activity to the Grand Bazaar

The Grand Bazaar, an informal drop-in session featuring dozens of table-top activities – and their facilitators.

This is a special slot on Saturday where you can present your top experiments, hands-on activities and demonstrations. Our aim is to share our best experiences and spice up conference participants lives with new ideas to use everywhere they go.

The ground rules for the Grand Bazaar are that attenders must get to make things, build things, and play with things at each table.

Submit your activity, bring your equipment and engage your peers during this playful session. Claim a slot by filling in this form with some basic information on the activity you want to show. We will give preferences to ideas not yet presented at the conference and we exclude commercial product pitches.

For the first time this year you will also get a possibility to present your work on live-streamed stage for the remote audience of the conference.

Browse previous Grand Bazaar sessions in Ecsite Conference’s sessions archive.

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