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9e Art Références

9e Art Références Claimed

9e Art Références is a French cultural company whose mission is to facilitate the access of cultural institutions to illustrations and original comic artworks, through exhibition curatorship and loan of comic masterpieces.


Located in the historical Montmartre neighbourhood in Paris, 9e Art References and the Galerie 9e Art work hand in hand to make the Ninth art shine worldwide. 

9th Art References’ mission is to make this invaluable heritage accessible to the greater number. Our goal is to help cultural institutions, whatever they may be, exhibiting original comic art and illustrations, thanks to high quality exhibitions. Here are the different services we offer:

  • Exhibition curatorship 

We can help you create an exhibition related to the Ninth Art. For example, “Comics. Dreams and History” is the latest major exhibition that we curated: it takes visitors on a journey through 100 years of comics and it is currently touring with great success in the CaixaForums across Spain. Our exhibitions can cover a large panel of themes, from detective comics to adaptations of literature masterpieces or superheroes stories. 

  • Exhibition rental 

We offer various exhibitions for hire, aimed at museums, cultural centres and libraries. Our exhibitions are dedicated to major Ninth Art’s artists, historical or contemporary. 

In terms of classics, we offer retrospectives of unforgettable American authors such as Winsor McCay (Little Nemo in Slumberland), George Herriman (Krazy Kat), Hal Foster (Prince Valiant), Milton Caniff (Terry and the Pirates), Alex Raymond  (Jungle Jim, Flash Gordon), Will Eisney (The Spirit). 

Among talented and successful contemporary European artists we are working with, Juanjo Guarnido (Blacksad), Régis Loisel (La Quête de l’Oiseau du temps, Peter Pan), Frank Pé (Zoo, La Bête), Cyril Pedrosa (Les Equinoxes, L’Âge
 d’Or) and François Schuiten (Les Cités 
Obscures, Revoir Paris)… will be known by neophytes and connoisseurs.

  • Loan of artworks

The company 9e Art Références has an important and eclectic heritage collection of European and American comics masterpieces. We are also working with a large network of lenders. Those funds enable us to offer loans of original pages and illustrations to cultural institutions for their exhibitions.

  • Edition 

In addition to exhibitions, we edit and sell limited edition art prints. Together with our sister company, Éditions Toth, we also publish exhibition catalogues.

Our large patrimonial stock and knowledge of comic art allows us to answer every demand, so feel free to contact us!

Exhibitions References

Other Exhibition References
Curatorship and loan of artworks :
- "Cómic. Sueños e historia", CaixaForums (Madrid, Barcelona and tour tournée across Spain, since 2022)
- "The Spirit of Will Eisner", Musée Thomas Henry (Cherbourg, FR, 2021) and PAFF! (Pordenone, IT, 2022)
- "Jack Kirby. La Galaxie des Super-Héros", Musée Thomas Henry (Cherbourg, FR, 2019)
- "Juanjo Guarnido – Blacksad. I colori del noir", PAFF! (Pordenone, IT, 2022)
- "Régis Loisel. Rétrospective Dessinée", Odyssud (Blagnac, FR, 2020) and Médiathèque André Malraux (Strasbourg, FR, 2022)
- "Cyril Pedrosa. Des ombres à la couleur", Odyssud (Blagnac, FR, 2023)

Consultancy and loan of artworks :
- "Winsor McCay. De Little Nemo au Lusitania", Musée Thomas Henry (Cherbourg, FR, 2017)
- "Masters of Black and White – Milton Caniff" (Pordenone, IT, 2020)

Loan of artworks :
- "La BD à tous les étages", Centre Pompidou (Paris, FR, 2024)
- "L'Archéologie en bulles", Le Louvre (Paris, FR, 2018)
- "Hergé", Grand Palais (Paris, FR, 2016)
- "Tarzan", Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac (Paris, FR, 2009)
- "R. Crumb. De l’underground à la genèse", Musée d’Art Moderne (Paris, FR, 2015)
- "Archi & BD, la ville dessinée", Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Paris, FR, 2010)
- "Albums. Bande dessinée et immigration", Musée de l’histoire de l’immigration (Paris, FR, 2013)
- "Joann Sfar. La vie dessinée", mahJ (Paris, FR, 2023)
- "Salammbô : Fureur ! Passion ! Eléphants", Musée des Beaux-Arts (Rouen, FR, 2021) et MUCEM (Marseille, FR, 2021)
- "Marginalia. Dans le secret des collection de bande dessinée", NMNM (Monaco, MC, 2021)
- "Comics! Mangas! Graphic Novels!, Bundeskunsthalle" (Bonn, DE, 2017)
- "Super heroes never die", Musée Juif de Belgique (Bruxelles, BE, 2019)
- "Juanjo Guarnido. Beyond Blacksad", Institut Cervantes (Rome, IT, 2019)
- "De Popeye à Persepolis", Cité Internationale de la Bande Dessinée (Angoulême, FR, 2022)
- "Neuvième Art Nouveau", Musée de la BD (Bruxelles, BE, 2023)
- "45 anos de Garfield", Amadora BD (Amadora, PT, 2023)

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