Join us for the 2025 Touring Exhibitions Pavilion in Paris on 14-16 January


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Supplier Plan – Freelance
Host Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Host Plan
Host Plan
Supplier Plan
Host Plan
Host Plan
Host Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Host Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Host Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Artist Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Artist Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Artist Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan – Freelance
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Artist Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan – Freelance
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan – Small portfolio
For-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Supplier Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan
Non-Profit Producer Plan
For-Profit Producer Plan


No team defined




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2025 Touring Exhibitions Pavilion

14-16 January 2025

The Touring Exhibitions Pavilion is the annual event dedicated to international travelling exhibitions in Paris.
A large friendly pavilion space welcomes exhibitions professionals for 2 days of networking, conferences and meetings, followed by 1 day of exhibition visits.

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