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Fondazione dell’Albero d’Oro

Fondazione dell’Albero d’Oro Claimed

A Residence on the Grand Canal a Window on the World


Fondazione dell’Albero d’Oro was born in 2019 with the aim of giving life and soul to Palazzo Vendramin Grimani, historical home overlooking the Grand Canal, mainly through the production of art exhibitions focusing on the journey and the connection between Venice and the World.

The temporary exhibitions conceived, developed and curated by the Foundation aim to enhance and disseminate the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the city of Venice and its lagoon and its resonance throughout the world

Two exhibitions are ready to travel. 

→ The first is on the photographic portrait of contemporary and hidden Venice by Greek-born French artist Nikos Aliagas. 

→The second is the tale of the incredible journey of a 17th century Venetian traveller to Mughal India. 

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