Banqueting is spectacle and performance! Food is prepared in the kitchens and menus are written for the guests who will step onto a carefully designed stage ready for a memorable and lively performance. The exhibition will appeal to your senses, your mind and to every hearty appetite.
It will highlight the many pleasures of gastronomy: creating, tasting and sharing. Combining hedonism and erudition, the exhibition will be an interactive and sensory experience centred around the celebratory and communal aspects of feasting.
Science and culture are intertwined in the many aspects of gastronomy:
In the kitchen, the physical chemist studies food and its transformations, sometimes using new utensils to enhance taste and texture. Clearly in the search for new culinary emotions.
In front of the dish, so much sensory and cognitive information comes together to determine whether it’s… «yum» or «yuck». Where do (good) taste and distaste come from?
Finally, at the table, the social sciences question our eating habits across cultures and eras: sharing, feasting, ritualisation, choice of utensils and dishes, etc.
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Past and Future Venues
2022-2023, 12 months, Lyon - France
2022, 10 months, Paris - France