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Color in Motion: Chromatic Explorations of Cinema

Color in Motion investigates the role of color in film, from its emotional and psychological impact on the viewer to the scientific and technological advancements that made it possible.

Produced by


Conceptualized around six main themes, the exhibition offers an

engaging experience through colorful and dynamic film installations and features objects from the silent era to the digital age, including cameras, projectors, costumes, props, and film posters. It concludes with a Color Arcade that completes the exhibition experience with an opportunity for visitors to physically interact with color through the movement of their bodies, allowing them to see, create, and experience color in motion.

Exhibition partners

Organized by Jessica Niebel, exhibitions curator, Sophia Serrano, assistant curator, Manouchka Kelly Labouba, curatorial assistant, and Alexandra James Salichs, research assistant.

Area size

more than 1000 sqm


2026 / 2027 / 2028

Hiring fee

Package format: Content only

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Original collection / Hands-on activities / Panels and graphics / Reproductions


Photographs / Textiles & Costumes / Paintings Drawings & Prints / Decorative objects / Everyday objects / Film & Sound / Technical objects / Digital art


English / Spanish

Technical requirements

High security / High conservation

Available package options

Collection and interpretation / Content only


Catalogue / book / Non-documentary film / Merchandise


Curatorial excellence / Star object / Treasure collection / Immersive experience / Interactivity

Additional information


Produced by

Original collections, Hands on and immersive, Art and Science, Artainment, Sustainability-related exhibit
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues


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Color in Motion: Chromatic Explorations of Cinema

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