Museum d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse
Sexuality is a story as old as life itself. Whether in plants or animals, its existence arouses many passions. In fact, sexuality shapes biodiversity and contributes to its incredible evolution. Plants, represented mainly by flowers, are unrivalled seductresses when it comes to ensuring their fertilisation. Animals, adorned in eccentric colours, sing, dance, fight and cunningly achieve their goals. But beyond appearances, this diversity also manifests itself in various sexual practices. There’s no doubt about it: nature’s sex life is boundlessly diverse…
Sexuality, whether animal or plant, is the common thread of the exhibition’s journey, showcasing the creative and audacious ingenuity of nature.
By delving into the very origins of scientific and naturalist observation, Sex Appeal, the Scandalous Life of Nature traces the development of scientific knowledge about sexuality and, through it, the transformations in our perception of the world. It demonstrates that evolution is not only the result of adaptation to the environment but also the culmination of courtship displays in a battle for seduction. A field in which our species, Homo sapiens, has invented nothing!
Exhibition themes
Sexuality: An evolutionary history
Plants: A discreet sexuality
Animals: A bestial sexuality
Understand that sexuality is a driving force of biodiversity
Uncover the secrets of plant sexuality, still little known
Discover the various forms of sexuality present in nature
An exhibition for everyone, with a humorous comic strip path specially created for teenagers!
Photos featured are from the temporary exhibition designed by the Natural History Museum of Toulouse. A touring version is currently in production.
Thierry LODÉ,
Biologiste en écologie évolutive à l’université Renne I, laboratoire EthoS.
Emmanuelle POUYDEBAT,
Directrice de recherche au CNRS et MNHN.
Biologiste enseignante-chercheure UPSIII-EDB.
Monique BURRUS,
Biologiste enseignante-chercheure UPSIII-EDB.
Thierry HOQUET,
Philosophe et maître de conférence en histoire et philosophie des sciences à Paris Nanterre.
Pierre-Henri GOUYON,
Professeur émérite au MNHN.
Henri CAP,
Docteur en biologie, assistant de conservation au Muséum de Toulouse.
Philipp HEEB,
Directeur de recherches au CNRS, écologiste comportemental, Laboratoire Evolution & Diversité Biologie (EDB).
A comic strip storytelling by Mr Box
Educational multimedia
Interactive and sensorial devices
Available to hire late 2026
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