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Mirages & miracles

Mirages & miracles Claimed

Visual art exhibition in AR, VR and video-projection, around the figure of the stone.

Exhibition Overview

Mirages & miracles

Exhibition Type
Contemporary Art, Nature, Science and Technology
Area Size
less than 200 sqm
200 to 500 sqm
Designed For
Museums and Galleries
Science Centres
Entertainment Venues
Hiring Fee

For a 3-month rental excl. transport, installation, insurance:
15 000 € - 50 000 €

This hiring fee is set for the following exhibition format:
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Core Experience
Immersive digital experience
Exhibition Partners
Mirages & miracles (2017)
Exhibition Visual Arts
Concept and artistic direction : Claire Bardainne and Adrien Mondot

Production : Adrien M & Claire B

Coproduced in France by 2 Pôles cirque en Normandie / La Brèche à Cherbourg – Cirque Théâtre d’Elbeuf ; Scène nationale d’Albi ; Les Subsistances, Lyon ; Lux, scène nationale de Valence ; Espace Jean Legendre, Théâtre de Compiègne ; Arenberg Creative Mine – Communauté d’Agglomération de La Porte du Hainaut

Funded in France by Fonds [SCAN], Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Supported in France by Les Subsistances, Laboratoire international de création artistique, Lyon ; URDLA - centre international estampe & livre, Villeurbanne ; UrbanLab, Lyon and in Italy by Villa Medicis, Rome.

The Adrien M & Claire B Company is subsidized and accredited by DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and is supported by the City of Lyon.


Credits / Image Information

© Romain Etienne
© Adrien M & Claire B



Mirages & miracles is a series of installations.

This corpus of work is an attempt to create a sort of digital animism using augmented reality, virtual reality, holographic illusions and video-projections.

” Stones are simple, heavy and motionless.

Stones are the archetype of what is real and concrete.

But listen to their silence, and you can hear them speak.

If you take a close look, they grow transparent and their inertia pulses. They speak of the forces that consumed them, of the distances they have travelled, of the genies they shelter, of the hairs they grow. ”

This exhibition is an homage to the life nestled in things seemingly lifeless, motionless, inorganic. Here the figure of the stone, real or drawn, is the hallmark.

Visitors are invited to experience a set of unprecedented scenarios which blurs the boundary between animate and inanimate, real illusion and fake miracle. They constitute a series of short performances for one spectator aiming to explore the contours of what constitutes life, through the mischief of poetry, the strength of computing and the magic of fiction. 


NB: This corpus of work can be combined with other installations of the company Adrien M & Claire B to create a solo thematic exhibition.

VR and App Content

General Information

Created In
Available Package Options


Past and Future Venues
2023, Musée de Vence - France
2023, Centre d’Art de l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue - France
2022, Musée de Saint Brieuc - France
2020, Les Champs Libres, Rennes - France
2020, Centre Phi, Montréal - Canada
2019, Ars Electronica Center, Linz - Austria
2019, Abbaye Saint-Germain, Auxerre - France
2019, Collégiale Saint-Martin, Chabada x Festival Premiers Plans x Maine-et-Loire Department, Angers - France
2019, Cité du livre, Aix-en-Provence - France
2018, Palais de l'Archevêché, Arles - France
2018, Minerva Gallery, Groningen - The Netherlands

* Full touring history on demand.

Extra Info

Immersive experience

Exhibition documents

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Hiring Fee (3-month rental excl. transport, installation, insurance)

15 000,00 €
50 000,00 €

Hiring fee is set for the following exhibition format


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