Guided by scientists who present their fi eldwork, the public discovers the life of great apes in the tropical forest, but also the grave threats that face these animals today.WHO ARE THE GREAT APES?Visitors meet the exhibition’s key protagonists. Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are our nearest cousins. This relationship makes them special animals that evoke our fascination and curiosity.A GREAT APE’S LIFE IN THE FORESTThis section immerses us in the great apes’ environment: the tropical forest. Practicing cultural behaviours, these primates are capable of making and using tools. They build nests to sleep in every evening and communicate using an impressive repertory of sounds and gestures!WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR GREAT APES?Destruction of their habitat, hunting, traffi cking, illnesses . . . The visitor is alerted to the grave threats facing great apes. Today all these species are endangered. The exhibition proposes examples of actions that can be taken to preserve them.