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Teo Live

Touring Exhibitions Trends & Marketplace

17 March 2022 - 3PM to 5PM CET
(7am PDT, 9am CDT, 10am EDT, 10pm Beijing, 11pm Seoul, 1am Sydney)

Teo Live is Teo’s touring exhibitions online event, designed to support the international touring exhibitions community – to discover exhibitions, hear about trends and meet with community members.

Teo Live is open to all professionals involved in the hosting and touring of cultural exhibitions, from museums, galleries, science centres, libraries, archives, gardens, zoos, exhibition venues and event organisations.

Teo Live is a free registration event.

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Keynote - Sustainable Development in Touring Exhibitions

The 2022 keynote session will focus on sustainable development practices in touring exhibitions and experiences. Loïc Fel and Fabienne Voisin will discuss and explore new practices in tour developments. They will unveil the new sustainable development touring initiative developed by the National Orchestra of Île-de-France in 2022, and will discuss how the new touring model designed for live classical music tours could be a source of inspiration for more sustainable practices in international touring exhibitions. The discussion will provide a starting point for thinking about the importance of sustainable development practices as a prerequisite in the future of travelling exhibitions.

Loïc Fel
Loïc Fel

Loïc Fel is the Co-Founder of COAL, the Coalition for Art and Sustainable Development, and the agency influence for good, and holds a PhD in Philosophy. His thesis in the epistemology of science, entitled “L’esthétique verte”, focussed on ecology and environmental aesthetics. Convinced that philosophy cannot be summarised in research, it is through the implementation of sustainable development practices in business that Fel puts his beliefs to the test. At influence for good, Fel supports city stakeholders by assisting with effective management in the sustainable development of the city. He has also developed support for the integration of sustainable development in cultural structures, developed with institutions such as French national orchestras, choreographic centres and museums, particularly regarding travelling productions.

Fabienne Voisin
Fabienne Voisin

With expertise in both music and management, Fabienne Voisin has dedicated her career to supporting creation and promoting music to reach the largest audiences, with a particular focus on children, working continuously to make classical music accessible to all and to make it possible for everyone to experience and share concerts. As production manager for TransArt Production from 1994 to 2003, she organised major cultural festivals for ten seasons (Flâneries musicales de Reims, MIDEM in Cannes, Transclassiques in Paris, etc.), producing more than 180 concerts per year. She then joined the Île-de-France National Orchestra as head of concert distribution and production, and it is as General Director that she now leads the institution, a position she took following four years spent in Ivory Coast in Africa rehabilitating a cultural centre in a popular district in Abidjan.
©Jean-Baptiste Millot

Lively marketplace

The lively marketplace of touring exhibitions feature 20+ exhibition presentations followed by opportunities to meet up with producers in dedicated rooms.

How it works

Following the marketplace presentations, speakers and presenting producers will be available for informal discussions in individual meeting rooms, which will all be accessible from this page.

Natural History Museum

Producer of Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature


Producer of

Nomad Exhibitions

Producer of


Producer of Gladiators


Event partners

We would like to thank our event partners for their kind support in communicating this event:

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